  1. Events
  2. Introduction


EasySocial includes Events functionality where users on the site could create their own events and invite other users on the site to attend the event. There are 3 types of events that can be created on the site:

  • Open Event
    Anyone can join or view contents of the event.

  • Closed Event
    Only attendees may view the contents of the event but user's would still be able to see these events on the event listings.

  • Invite Only Event
    This is a hidden event where users would not be able to view on the event listings. They need to be invited by existing attendees of the event to RSVP for the event.

Events are also categorized under Event Categories and the event must always be a part of a category. The category of an event defines the characteristics of an event and the access control of the event.

Accessing Events

To access the events area at the back end to manage and administer events, you can do so by clicking on the Events on the side bar menu. You will see a screen that looks similar to the screen below:

Events in EasySocial

This article is separated into multiple sections as follow: