UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.14 Released! Joomla 5.x and PHP 8.x compatible now!

Joomla! Blogs, News and Extension Updates

Stay updated with the latest news and craze about our Joomla! extensions and Joomla! updates

Introducing JSN Hub for EasyBlog
10th June, 2019
After the released of EasyBlog 5.3 Beta 2 last Friday, we would like to introduce you to a brand new blogging Joomla template - JSN Hub...
EasyBlog 5.3 Beta 2 Released
7th June, 2019
Today, we would like to present you with EasyBlog 5.3 Beta 2! This release does not include only bug fixes reported on the previous beta release, but&...
How to increase your web design business profits?
4th June, 2019
Are you satisfied with the current profit of your site? Have you wondered why there are times when more work you put into, the less profit you ma...
EasyBlog 5.3 Beta Released
21st May, 2019
We are excited and super thrilled to be presenting you folks with the first beta release of EasyBlog 5.3 today! ? If there's any reason...
PayPlans 4.0.8 Released
14th May, 2019
PayPlans 4.0.8 includes a couple of new minor features such as Paysite-cash payment integration, reintroduce eWAY payment gateway, AcyM...
Jollyany template by TemPlaza
10th May, 2019
​TGIF folks! Today, we would like to introduce you to yet another amazing looking multipurpose Joomla template available on the market, Joll...
Introducing EasyBlog 5.3
9th May, 2019
While the team is still in the midst of prepping up EasySocial 3.1, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the features of the upco...
EasySocial 3.1 RC Released
8th May, 2019
Happy Wednesday! We would like to present you with EasySocial 3.1 RC. This release focuses mainly on bug fixes from Beta 2 and&nbs...
Say hello to our brand new online documentation
2nd May, 2019
We are really excited to be presenting you with the fully revamped online documentation for all our products. ?...
LinkedIn New API Support for EasyBlog
30th April, 2019
Today, we would like to present you with EasyBlog 5.2.14. This update now uses the new version of LinkedIn API that was announced last Decem...
EasySocial 3.1 Beta 2 Released
26th April, 2019
Nearly 3 weeks has passed since the first beta for EasySocial 3.1 was released. Today, we are excited to announce that EasySocial 3.1 Beta 2 ...
PayPlans 4.0.7 Released
23rd April, 2019
Happy Tuesday! Today, we would like to present you with a maintenance update for PayPlans. ...
Maintenance update for EasyBlog 5.2.13
19th April, 2019
Today, we would like to present you with a maintenance update for EasyBlog 5.2.13 today....
Introducing Bold Shine Template from CMSBold
16th April, 2019
After returning from our company retreat, we would like to quickly introduce you to a brand new Joomla template called Bold Shine creat...
StackIdeas Annual Team Building Retreat
10th April, 2019
​Not long after the release of EasySocial 3.1 Beta, it's that time of the year again. The entire Stack Ideas team will be away from 10th&nbs...
EasySocial 3.1 is now Beta
8th April, 2019
​Today, we are really excited to be presenting you with EasySocial 3.1 Beta. Here's a short recap of some of the awesome goodies i...
Pre-orders for EasySocial Native App
2nd April, 2019
Today marks the second day of April and you will be pleased to know that we are rolling out the pre-orders for EasySocial native app starting tod...
Preview of EasySocial 3.1 with OpenStreetMap
28th March, 2019
We are really excited to announce that the development works for EasySocial 3.1 has already been set in motion and today, I'd love...
Critical Update for PayPlans 4.0.6
22nd March, 2019
Last Wednesday, the team just released PayPlans 4.0.5 however PayPlans 4.0.6 update is to address a couple of critical issues....
Important Security Update for EasyBlog 5.2.12
21st March, 2019
This update is mainly to address a possible cross-site scripting (XSS) attack vulnerability ⚠️ found in EasyBlog. ...
PayPlans 4.0.5 Update
20th March, 2019
It's Wednesday and we would like to present with a scheduled maintenance update for PayPlans. ...


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