Before Obtaining a Refund
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Obtaining a Refund
At StackIdeas, we take pride in the quality of products we develop and we aspire to provide the best support we can. Every purchase includes a 30-days money back guarantee.
If our product does not work as advertised, or if you are unsatisfied with our service, we will be happy to provide a full refund of
your purchase within the first 30 days.
However, Stack Ideas reserves the right to refuse refunds if there are any abuse in our refund policy detected. This is to protect us while still being able to provide the best products & services on an open source platform.
We reserve the rights to reject refunds under the following circumstances which may be abusive to our refund policy:
Refunds are strictly only applicable to new purchases
Reason: If you are already using our product and decide to renew or upgrade, we believe that you are already satisfied with the product. -
Your refund request was made after 30 days of your purchase
Reason: As indicated, our money back guarantee is strictly valid only for 30 days. -
You have downloaded the full version of the installer
Reason: You have agreed to revoke the 30-days money back guarantee by downloading the full version of the installer. -
You are requesting for a refund for EasySocial Native and Conversations Mobile App
Reason: As the EasySocial Native and Conversations Mobile App is a service which we provide to generate ready made apps for iOS and Android, we are unable to provide refunds. -
You have previously initiated a refund request before regardless if it is the same or different account
Reason: It is pretty clear that you are trying to violate our refund policy -
Your account is suspected of abusing our 30 day money back guarantee policy
Reason: If your account is flagged abusive by our fraud system, we reserve the rights to reject your refund request
To obtain a refund, you may do so through our Refund Form