UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.14 Released! Joomla 5.x and PHP 8.x compatible now!


A cutting edge tool packed with a beautiful authoring experience along with powerful front-end articles management. Designed and built to work seamlessly with Joomla articles out of the box.
EA Hero Image

Effortless Composing Experience

EA Composer
Sidebar Options. A dynamic content publishing platform, suitable for all sorts of article content, and
carefully curated for authors so that their daily work can be as effortless as possible.
EasyArticles - Publishing Options
Publishing Options. Authors and editors can now save their drafts before completing their content at a later time.
EasyArticles - Media Manager
Media Manager. A powerful media management platform that is easy to use, store, and organize your media files in Joomla.
EasyArticles - Locations
Locations. Supports multiple locations on a single article, to pinpoint the exact location supported by Google Maps for your audience.
EasyArticles - Custom Fields
Custom Fields. Take advantage of Joomla custom fields to display different fields for different content type.

Social Media Auto-Posting

EA Autoposting
Auto-posting. Articles published on your site could also be automagically shared across your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Mobile Ready

Content on the go. Having the same powerful publishing options on your hand held devices, whenever your PC is out of reach.
EA - Mobile Dashboard
EA - Mobile Categories
EA - Mobile Articles
EA - Mobile Create Categories

Front-end Dashboard

Have a bird's-eye view for a quick overview of EasyArticles, while managing articles, categories, tags and many more directly from the beautiful front-end dashboard

Productivity Booster

EA Workflow - Moderate Posts
Front-end Moderation. Moderating articles on the site will be a breeze for site moderators, approving or rejecting pending submissions are done directly at the front-end.
EA Workflow - Submit Approval
Submissions. Authors can submit their content to editors or site moderators for review before publishing it on the site.
EA Workflow - Collaboration
Attentive Collaboration. Not only can editors or site moderators review authors' submissions, but also participate and offer a helping hand when needed.

Content Importers

EA - Content Importers
Content Importer. Import articles from external RSS feeds, suitable for all sites to help generate content on your site.

Infinite Template Choices

shape 5
Rocket Theme

Works out to the box with most if not all 3rd party template providers in the market.

Quick Templates

EA - Templates (Editor Template)
Templates. Predefined post templates to guide your authors in writing specific content type and store it for future use.

E-mail Notifications

EA - Subscriptions
Subscriptions. Readers can subscribe to articles via the entire site, categories or individual post with just a click of a button. E-mails or push notifications will be sent to all subscribers whenever an article is published.

Do more with EasyArticles in comparison to native Joomla articles...


EasyArticles automatically saves current changes or progress, helping to reduce the risk of losing important drafts that your authors are working on.


Authors could preview any unfinished content with the preview button while working on a new article or save it as a draft to complete at a later time.

Content Versioning

Content created in EasyArticles can display previous versions of published articles if the content has been modified several times after publishing it on the site.

Google Analytics Integration

EasyArticles allows Google Analytics to collect precise information such as audience overview (users, sessions, bounce rate, session duration and visited countries).

Editor Friendly

Have the freedom to choose between your personal favorite editor or the different editors supported by Joomla articles available out there such as Tiny MCE, JCE, RedactorJS, CodeMirror & many more.

SEO Publishing Options

Define unique and specific meta keywords, meta descriptions, tags and other SEO optimization related elements on articles created in EasyArticles.

Rich Media Embedding

Easy to add enhanced content creation experience in EasyArticles with an enriched media previews from some of the most popular web sources such as Facebook & YouTube.

Post Scheduling

Nothing beats working ahead of time. You have the option to the schedule publishing time and date for every article on the site, moderated by editors or site moderators.

EasyArticles has the best solution for your authors and editors. It's also backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.

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