  1. Welcome
  2. Minimum System Requirements

Minimum System Requirements

Minimum System Requirements

In order for EasyDiscuss to run optimumly, please ensure that the following system requirements are met.

  • Joomla! 3.8 and above is installed.
  • PHP 5.6 and above is installed.
  • PHP Extensions: Curl Library. It is required by EasyDiscuss to perform outgoing connections.
  • PHP Extensions: GD Library. It is required by EasyDiscuss to manipulate images that are uploaded on the site.
  • PHP Extensions: ZIP Library. It is required by EasyDiscuss for faster extraction process.
  • PHP: [upload_max_filesize = 8MB].
  • PHP: [post_max_size = 8MB].
  • PHP: [magic_quotes_gpc = Off].
  • PHP: [memory_limit = 64MB];
  • MySQL v5.6 and above.

Recommended Requirements

To get the best out of EasyDiscuss, below are the list of recommended requirements for your site.

  • Joomla! 3.10 and above is installed.
  • PHP 7.0 and above is installed.
  • PHP Extensions: Curl Library. It is required by EasyDiscuss to perform outgoing connections.
  • PHP Extensions: GD Library. It is required by EasyDiscuss to manipulate images that are uploaded on the site.
  • PHP Extensions: ZIP Library. It is required by EasyDiscuss for faster extraction process.
  • PHP: [upload_max_filesize = 32MB].
  • PHP: [post_max_size = 32MB].
  • PHP: [magic_quotes_gpc = Off].
  • PHP: [memory_limit = 128MB];
  • MySQL v5.7 and above.
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