  1. Configuration
  2. Adding New User Roles

Adding New User Roles

User Roles in EasyDiscuss allows you to assign a label to a user group in Joomla. The role would then appear beside their names on the listings. A single user group can only be associated with a single role at any given point of time.

EasyDiscuss User Roles

EasyDiscuss User Roles

To create a new user role, procced to EasyDiscuss > Users > Roles and click New botton at the top left. Follow the simple steps below:

  1. Enter a title for the role that you want to have it appear on the site.

  2. Pick a Joomla user group to be associated with the role. Any users who are in the selected user group will be given this role.

  3. Pick a label color for the user role. This color will be used in the listings.

  4. Save your new role and you are good to go.

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