While most of you have been busy surfing around with your mobile devices, some of you might been asking yourselves, "How can I make my Joomla! powered site mo...
Some of you might be wondering why we've actually used the version of EasyBlog 3.5 instead of EasyBlog 4.0 since the previous releases are all incremented by on...
To get the best out of EasyBlog, we encourage all of our users to keep it up-to-date. From time to time, the development team will release new builds containing...
I am very excited to be the first person to announce this and I guess the title of this blog itself already explains what the we've been busy with :) Yep, we've...
It's been almost a week since we published some of the coolest features in EasyBlog 3.0. You can refer to the posts, Advanced Blogging in EasyBlog 2.1 and More ...
I hope you are feeling excited as I am right now over the next upcoming major release of EasyBlog 3.0 . Yep, we initially planned to release it as 2.1 but consi...
It's been a week since we posted some leaks on EasyBlog 2.1 and just thought that I should share more about the new features that we've added in it since we are...
We are currently moving our translations over to Transifex instead of the old manual way of processing language files. If you are a translator for our compon...
We haven't really been pushing this out but just in case you hadn't noticed, EasyBlog 2 will actually allow you to auto post from your Posterous accounts. The b...
We would like to invite all existing EasyBlog users to help spread the love for us at JoomlaBlogger (A professional blogger that blogs mostly about Joomla! rela...
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