Generating Keystore File
Download and install latest JDK from here.
Once JDK is installed, run keytool with the following command either through the terminal (Mac) or your command prompt (Windows):
keytool -genkeypair -dname "cn=John Doe, ou=Development, o=StackIdeas, c=US" -alias easysocial -keypass "password" -keyalg RSA -keystore /path/to/file.jks -storepass "password" -validity 20000
- Please keep the generated Keystore file as you would need it when releasing new update for your app in the future.- Please use the same password for keypass and storepass.
- Please write down keypass and storepass as these are needed later when building app.
Properties are defined as below:
The distinguished name for the keystore. The following are the attributes required for dname
- cn = Contact Person's full name (E.g: John Doe)
- ou = Organisation unit (E.g: Development team)
- o = Organisation (E.g: Stack Ideas)
- c = Country (E.g: US)
Identifier of the app as a single entity inside the keystore since a keystore may contain more than one identifier.
Password to protect the alias. (Avoid using special characters)
Path where the keystore file should be generated to.
A password to protect the keystore file contents. (Avoid using special characters)
Amount of days the app will be valid with the keystore.