1. Advanced
  2. Manual Build From Downloads

Manual Build From Downloads


This is an advanced guide and is intended for users who purchased the early adopters plan.


Before you are able to manually build your download, you need to ensure that you have the following softwares installed:

Initializing the App

  1. Download the Application Source from the Downloads section in Titan.
  2. Unzip the archive.
  3. Open up a Terminal and switch to the directory of the downloads folder that you have just downloaded.
  4. Initialize the dependencies required by the app by running the following command:

    yarn install

Building the App (iOS)


  1. Go to the directory which you have just extracted and edit the file app.json.
  2. Under the ios section, increase the buildNumber by 1 for every build that you are building.

    Build Number

    NOTE: It is important for you to increase the buildNumber by 1 every time you are updating the app.

  3. Once you are done, run the following command:

    expo build:ios 
  4. Follow the guided instructions by expo and provide the necessary files that you have obtained previously.
  5. When the build is completed, it will return the URL to download the ipk file.

    Build Finished

Building the App (Android)


  1. Go to the directory which you have just extracted and edit the file app.json.
  2. Under the android section, increment the versionCode by 1 for every build that you are building.

    Version Code

    NOTE: It is important for you to increase the versionCode by 1 every time you are updating the app.

  3. Once you are done, run the following command:

    expo build:android 
  4. Follow the guided instructions by expo and provide the necessary keystore files.
  5. When the build is completed, it will return the URL to download the apk file.

    Build Finished

This article is separated into multiple sections as follow: