EasyBlog also includes search engine optimizations out of the box as soon as it is installed on your site.
Generates search engine friendly urls out of the box without much configuration. It just works!

Google Structured Data
EasyBlog generates a default markup for structured data that helps search engines like Google to understand the site better

Google AMP
Built-in Accelerated Mobile Pages support in EasyBlog helps improvise search engine rankings immediately

Sitemap Integrations
Integrates with JSitemap and OSMap sitemap extensions out of the box

Facebook Instant Articles
Prepare for metaverse by ensuring that all your posts and articles are ready for instant articles on Facebook

SEF Integrations
If your site runs on third-party sef solutions such as SH404 or JoomSEF, EasyBlog integrates with them out of the box
For sites that are powered by SH404, EasyBlog also integrates with SH404 out of the box

Artio JoomSEF
EasyBlog integrates with Artio JoomSEF out of the box with our own plugin for JoomSEF

Start blogging with EasyBlog today
Whether you are a blogger, Joomla! enthusiast or professional web developer, our extensions are built to meet your goals.
Backed by over 458+ reviews on the JED
Metadata Management
Authors can manage and edit the metadata for each posts individually when editing the post with the composer

Advanced Routing Settings
The advanced routing settings allows you to have greater control on how SEF urls are generated on the site