EasyBlog has tons of integrations with other third-party extensions and tools
Auto Postings
EasyBlog supports automated postings which allows you to automatically post to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Social Bookmarklets
With social bookmarklets in EasyBlog, you can enable social sharing buttons with 8 different external social network sites
Bookmarklet buttons
Supports up to 8 different external social network sites

URL Shortener
With the built-in social bookmarklets, EasyBlog also integrates with Yourls to shorten urls

Third Party Bookmarks
Should you decide to use a third-party bookmark button, you could always use ShareThis or AddThis
ShareThis Button
Integrates with ShareThis social bookmarking provider

Integrates with AddThis social bookmarking provider

EasyBlog also integrates with external newsletter solutions such as Mailchimp & Sendy

OneSignal Push Notifications
Notify users via push notifications on their web browsers whenever there are updates on the site.

Joomla Search & Advanced Search
Includes integration with the built-in search and advanced search extension for Joomla. It just works out of the box.

Start blogging with EasyBlog today
Whether you are a blogger, Joomla! enthusiast or professional web developer, our extensions are built to meet your goals.
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