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I disabled the BB codes with (Settings -> Layout -> BB Code -> Enable BB Code) [as I do not need them]. But my HTML source code still shows some java script which is related to the disabled feature:

.done(function($) {

$('[data-kt-form]').implement(Komento.Controller.Form, {
"location": false,
"location_key": "",
"attachments": {
"enabled": false,
"upload_max_size": "2mb",
"upload_max_files": "3",
"extensions": "bmp,csv,doc,gif,ico,jpg,jpeg,odg,odp,ods,odt,pdf,png,ppt,rar,txt,xcf,xls,zip"
"bbcode": Komento.bbcode,
"showCode": true,
"showCaptcha": true,
"recaptcha": true,
"markupSet": Komento.bbcodeButtons


As I do not use this feature, why did Komento push the java code to my HTML source code? The reason why i would like to have it changed is, that I try to keep the generated HTML code for my side as small as possible (for mobile devices as this might affect the SEO). So the code section above would not be needed to be transferred, as I do not use this feature.

So is that a bug? If yes can it be fixed? If not can you create a feature request so that it will be fixed ;-).
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