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just updated my test environment from Komento 2.x to Komento 3.0.5 and found a strange issue here, which i would like to address to the support. In Komento -> Settings -> General -> Attachments I put the "Enable Attachments" to off.

However in my source code [I use the Bubble theme] (when logged on as guest) I can still see:

<div class="kt-attachments " data-kt-attachment-wrapper>
<div class="kt-attachments-title t-lg-mb--md">
<i class="fa fa-link"></i> Attachments </b>

<div class="t-lg-mt--md">
Your account does not have privileges to view attachments in the comment </div>


So why is that added when I have the attachments option fully disabled? I would expect that this above isn´t shown as the attachment option is disabled. Its not visible to the users, but its still there in the source code. Can you update the code so that this information is also hidden when the option is disabled?
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