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ccbill don't have dynamic Pricing

Slawomir Stanczuk · ·
2:30 AM Sunday, 11 March 2018
I would like to run a ccbill payment in a component.
In the documentation https://stackideas.com/docs/payplans/administrators/payment-gateways/ccbill
At the Creating form stage, you need to select the dynamic value in the Pricing parameter
But currently, in the ccbill system, there is no such option, I can attach an ektan screenshot from the current version of the account.
How should I set it up in order for it to work?
In other payment systems, the payment was made using the parameter Sub. Type ID to precisely indicate the plan of payment in the ccbill system, in the configuration of the additive in joomla there is no field to enter such a parameter?
I am asking for urgent help.
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