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We found a bug in the integration of Easysocial points system in Komento.
When you delete a comment, the komento.comment.removed was not called.
In the file components\com_komento\classes\comment.php, the method delete() call $activity = Komento::getHelper( 'activity' )->process( 'remove', $this->id ); after the comment to be deleted $commentTable->delete().

So at the begining of process() methode (components\com_komento\helpers\activity.php) the $comment is empty (deleted before the call), so $comment->published != 1 and the return false line 44 is executed.

We moved the $activity = Komento::getHelper( 'activity' )->process( 'remove', $this->id ); before the $commentTable->delete() and this seems to do the job.
Can you please fixe this bug so we don't have to fix it manually after each update ?

Another strange "way to do" in the file components\com_komento\helpers\activity.php, all the config $config->get() refer to the com_content integration because the component on which the comment is linked is not passed... We are using Komento on com_k2 but we had to configure Komento integration on com_content because $config->get() always refer to com_content parameters....
This is not a big deal for us as we configure komento integration with the same parameters on all components (A copy all parameters on other components would be great) but for others this could also be the origin of bug...

Kind regards,
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