UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.14 Released! Joomla 5.x and PHP 8.x compatible now!
User Blog App

User Blog App

This application allows your users to display a list of blog posts that they have created via EasyBlog.

Current integrations with EasySocial

* EasySocial 4 ready.
* EasyBlog 5 ready.
* Post a blog through EasySocial story panel.
* Displays stream item within EasySocial.
* Notifications whenever a user posts a comment on the blog.
* Points
* Badges

Note: This app requires the main EasyBlog extension to be installed.

Application Screenshots

Reviews (6)

Installation failure
ssnobben, on 21st Jan, 2019
Hi Mark and guys,, the installation fails with this app pls check whats wrong witht the installation files. Cheers!...
comment faire pour l’installer ?
Valentin Bricot, on 5th Apr, 2018
comment faire pour l’installer ?...
Perfect !
Yann Anderson, on 23rd Nov, 2015
Work very nice, any problems, if you use EasySocial and EasyBlog, you need this (free) app ! Installation will take approximatly 10 seconds of your time and you can "play" with differents settings in the backend.... Fast, simple, and powerful - as usual with ALL StackIdeas Products :-)...
Better but not great!
James, on 16th Aug, 2015
New additions have bridged some of the gap between EasyBlog and EasySocial but not completely. Some lacking elements are comment integration which seems as though it would be there out of the box as well as use of the composer and image addition while creating a blog from the stream. Would really like to see a new version with these additions....
majorkratze, on 5th Apr, 2015
very useful this app, should actually be integrated into easysocial from the beginning. would be cool to let people write a translation package for this app... ...
Sean, on 18th Mar, 2014
Got this installed on 1.20 RC4 and it's working perfectly thus far! No idea what was going during my last attempt, but I retract my previous rating and comment! Great job guys!...

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Version 2.1.22
Author Mark
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Updated 28th May, 2021
Submitted 1st Dec, 2013
Views 31327
Rating 5 out of 5 (Total of 6 votes) Add Review
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