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Geommunity3 Maps

Geommunity3 Maps

Display all your located community content on one or more Google Maps with a great AJAX driven user interface.

Here is a non exhaustive list of the application features:
Google maps Geolocation of most of your EasySocial Community Items
Ajax Loading for markers according to map viewport
Ajax Loading for infowindows on marker click & Popbox integration for users
Integration of EasySocial located users from their address profile field
Profiletypes dynamic filter
Profile Custom field dynaminc filter
Display marker as Generic user marker or user avatar or Profiletype related marker
- Integration of EasySocial Users and Popbox
- Support for profile custom fields in infowindow
- Integration of EasySocial Groups according to a group addressfield
- Integration of EasySocial Photo Albums
- Integration of EasySocial Photos
- Integration of EasySocial Events
- Integration of EasySocial Videos
- Integration of external KML files to embed additional data on the map
- Integration of EasyBlog posts

- NEW: Integration of EasySocial 2.0 Pages feature
- NEW: Integration of EasySocial Stream Items (text, photo, mood, location tagged users) with dynamic filter by friend

- NEW: now open to 3rd party content via Geommunity plugins:
Existing plugins list includes: Adsmanager, K2, Sobipro, PhocaMaps etc...

Dynamic Integration filter on map
Marker bounce on Filter options roll over
Dynamic clustering of Marker to provide a cleaner crowded map with marker count
Custom clustering option to enable if more than one marker share the same exact location coordinates, to have the data displayed in one cluster icon infowindow.
'Teleportation' or Address search field thanks to Google Places API
Marker Search with Auto-complete
Directions and Itinerearies on every marker
Map Custom Styling
Map Parallax effect on page scroll up/down

Compatible with ES 1.4+

Application Screenshots

Reviews (3)

very poor, and not very adaptable
Walter, on 2nd Dec, 2021
i think it works only with google maps API which is very expensive if you have a community using this service, it doesn't work with other API of other maps services which are free. If it's not how I write it please contact me to tell me how to use this app for free....
Integration Options and Viewing ACL
LAC Webadmin, on 7th Jul, 2017
Hi, I have more of a question rather than review. Since there's no place for me to ask the developer so I ask it here. How's the Integration Option for this App? Can I set it for each ES Feature? Like I only want this app to be enabled on Groups and the Viewing ACL, does it exists? Thanks, Jackson...
Excellent App
James, on 14th Feb, 2014
Excellent App and Excellent Support from the developer. We have discussed several additions, changes, levels of support for versions of EasySocial that are not even Stable yet. I highly recommend checking this out....

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Version 1.5.14
Author adrien
Website https://www.nordmograph.com/extensions/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=86&virtuemart_category_id=7&Itemid=58
Support http://www.nordmograph.com/extensions/index.php?option=com_kunena&view=category&catid=116&Itemid=108
Support is provided by the respective developer.
Updated 6th Jun, 2019
Submitted 30th Jan, 2014
Views 18797
Rating 4 out of 5 (Total of 3 votes) Add Review
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