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Steps Activity Tracker with Fitbit

Steps Activity Tracker with Fitbit

This app allow users to track their steps by manually adding their daily activities. Apart from that, the app can also be configured to allow users to integrate with their favorite FitBit devices.

Documentation: https://stackideas.com/docs/easysocial/administrators/applications/steps

Reviews (1)

Is there privacy setting ACL ?
ssnobben, on 2nd Mar, 2021
Is there privacy acl settings who can view the statistics for user? Like reg user, my friends, public etc std EasySocial settings?...

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Version 3.2.6
Author Mark
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Updated 2nd Jun, 2022
Submitted 16th Jan, 2020
Views 5368
Rating 5 out of 5 (Total of 1 votes) Add Review
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