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EasySocial Mobile Push Notifications

EasySocial Mobile Push Notifications

In order for EasySocial Native App to be able to receive new notifications instantly, the hosted website need to have the ability to send a push notification to the mobile device at a given interval. With this app, all notifications will then be processed and send via push notification to a respective mobile device that the user has registered on the site.

Note: Site admin must add the following cronjob URL to the server in order for the app to fully functioning.

For more information regarding the cronjob, kindly refer to the documentation here, https://stackideas.com/docs/easysocial/administrators/cronjobs/cronjobs

Version 4.0.1
- Added support for EasySocial 4.0
- Added support for ES Native version 4.1

Reviews (1)

Update to Earlier Rating
Doug, on 29th Sep, 2020
After a number of user errors (that user being me). I was able to install and am now receiving push notifications. Thank you so much Mark (the developer) for your patience with me :) If you want push notifications for your EasySocial Native App then this is what you are looking for. Simply install as an app in the EasySocial Applications installer (not the Joomla Installer) and you are in business. Doug...

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Version 4.0.2
Author Mark
Support is provided by the respective developer.
Updated 27th Dec, 2021
Submitted 9th Jan, 2020
Views 5052
Rating 5 out of 5 (Total of 2 votes) Add Review
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