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Page Reviews

Page Reviews

This app allows users to submit reviews and star ratings on any pages within EasySocial. Review app is a very crucial element in today's e-commerce space as nearly 90% admitted finalizing their decisions in fact influenced by online reviews.

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Reviews (3)

Great app!!
Jose Manuel, on 8th May, 2018
very useful thank you....
Good little App
Jean-Francois Robert, on 5th Aug, 2017
The app is good and work great. I think the price is ok but it's missing a good module to showcase the top ratings pages. Adding a section on the user profile with his/her reviews would be perfect. ...

Thank you for your input on this Jean. Appreciate this very much!

— Reply from owner on Sunday, 06 August 2017
Ver limited in its current stage
James, on 12th Dec, 2016
Right now there is potential but no way to vet reviews if you are the admin of the site or even the admin of the page itself. Also anyone at all can write a review on a page, not restricted to people who are members of the page. therefore its useless for professional company based sites or say a sports club where of course other clubs will write bad reviews about rival clubs if there is no way to restrict who can write a review or not. As I say potential is here but just so limited its not a functional reviews application write now as the potential for fake, irrelevant and essentially unwanted reviews is just too high right now. The argument will of course be "well reviews should not be vetted" but the counter argument is if you have a company/service based network and you have people who have never bought a product or service commenting on that brand or page where the product or service is - well that is a total waste of time really....

The feature of moderating reviews are already added on 2.1 :)

— Reply from owner on Friday, 20 October 2017

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Version 2.1.6
Author Mark
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Updated 16th Mar, 2022
Submitted 2nd Nov, 2016
Views 11306
Rating 4 out of 5 (Total of 3 votes) Add Review
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