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If you look on the homepage at http://www.Starch-Smart.com you will see that there is a Social Activity box located just below the registration areas. I am using the Module "EasySocial Stream" here and had set it to display four items. I would like to have the social stream act as a teaser to get people interested in the site by displaying the most recent stories/activity. I can do this by setting the permission for all of my users profiles Story section to "Who can view my stories" to "Everyone". I have done this now in order to get everything to pass through this home page teaser and it works perfectly as I was hoping.

But, I do have one more request. I would like to be able to restrict the number or words or characters that display within this EasySocial Stream module for each item. I basically would like to make the displays short and have them have a more button (which we could use whatever text we wanted) at the end of the display. If the more button was clicked on it would show the the story if they were logged in or it would invite them to register or login if they were not logged in yet.
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