Hello, I've been asked to add autoposting for easyblog for twitter and facebook.
For twitter I get as far as clicking authorize app button (all keys fine) however I get a duplicate key error from the db when trying to signin to twitter.
Duplicate entry '4' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=INSERT INTO `keqt4_easyblog_oauth` (`id`,`user_id`,`type`,`auto`,`request_token`,`access_token`,`message`,`created`,`private`,`params`,`system`) VALUES ('4','44','twitter','0','{\"token\":\"k7stfgAAAAAAhQY5AAABT3DJXXo\",\"secret\":\"KTd5KyZMaN6mqVG9qVuQqW47uiyrWE7Y\"}','','','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0','','1')
There is a feed already on the site and looking through the plugins it appears to be "bizknizTwitterFeedDisplay".
Do I need to uninstall this module first and then would I need to delete twitter fields (if still leftover)? If that is the solution is there a way for me to place this feed back with easyblog so I don't lose the feed
Many thanks for any advice it is appreciated.