UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.14 Released! Joomla 5.x and PHP 8.x compatible now!


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first i would like to thanks all the team for this new awesome release
and the nice elegant theme

I am a bit confused by the dropdown menu in the left of the toolbar
some are related to the entire site, others are from the logged in user...
i think it is confusing
see first attached image

i would suggest to :
- keep in that left dropdown menu only items related to "the entire site"
or to let the admin choose in backend
- put in the right part of the toolbar (as started) the items related to the user : my conversation, my friends, my photos... (or in the profil dropdown menu)
see second attached image

What do you think ?


is there a way not to show the application item in the dropdown menu in the left of the toolbar ??
thanks to settings i have disable app filters in profil, group, event... it's much more clear... but now i have this big item in the dropdown menu ;)
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