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The names of the folders in media manager

Владимир · ·
4:49 AM Friday, 10 May 2013
Hi, I'm from Russia - sorry for the bad language.
I have a problem.
If a user creates a new folder in the Media Manager and calls her words in Russian, the media manager truncates the first word of the folder name.
However, if you look at the directory through FTP, then there is a folder called because the user called it.
If the folder name in English or numbers, then everything is fine.If the folder name or the first letter of the English figure, while the remaining Russian words, it is also all right.

Example: (write name -> see in the manager)

новая папка -> папка
новая_папка -> _папка
моя новая папка в блоге -> новая папка в блоге
моя_новая_папка_в_блоге -> _новая_папка_в_блоге
1 моя папка -> 1 моя папка
N моя папка -> N моя папка
New folder -> New folder

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