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Testing php7+EasyBlog5.1.6

Scott Lavelle · ·
10:07 AM Sunday, 30 April 2017
This is not on my "real" supported site, as I'm trying out php7 on a test site before moving anything to it. So I don't know if I'd call this a support request or a bug report.

I have php7, Jooml 2.7, and EasyBlog 5.1.6 running on this site.
From the back end, on a PC, I have no problem adding new posts, with or without pics. From the front end, same goes, with a post or quickpost - all working normally.

However, when I use an Android phone and try to do the same thing from the front or back end, it will not upload an image. If I upload an image with the mobile device in the media manager of the core Joomla, it loads fine. I cannot load an image in EasyBlog on a mobile device at all.

However, if I use EasyApache on the server to turn this site/account to PHP 5.6, the mobile uploads work as expected.

Since the php is a server-side thing, I don't think that the specific mobile device I'm suing can have any bearing on the issue, and since the uploads work in the standard core Joomla media manager, I don't think it is a server or Joomla issue. Since this is only an issue with the PHP 7, mobile device, in EasyBlog, it seems like EasyBlog is the problem.

Looking forward to your thoughts.
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