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Styling issue

Fred · ·
12:05 PM Monday, 16 December 2013
So I will try to do my best to explain how I have this setup and how I have come to fix 99% of my issue but I need to resolve that last 1%

The Issue I'm having is that my Home Page styling is loading on other pages within EasySocial, the reason its loading on other pages within ES is because I have my default "Home" set to Unity with a "Page Class" of 'frontpage-header' that is located in my CSS.

Now I've found a nifty little trick to solve the CSS 'frontpage-header' from loading within ES Sub pages by created a Menu and SEO for each item in EasySocial but don't display the menu. However there is one Sub page in ES that I can't create a menu for without breaking things and that is photos. When clicking on a Photo on my "Home" page it will load my 'frontpage-header' CSS. But if I click on the persons name then the photo it wont load my 'frontpage-header' CSS.

Now, I can create a Menu Link to "Photos" but I have to select a person otherwise it doesn't work.

So I have a suggestion, which kinda makes sense to do it this way rather than the way its done now.

Right now when clicking on a Photo it takes you to a URL of domainname.com/photos/.../.../..//...

I think the URL should reflect on the persons name, so it would be something like this. domainname.com/FredD/AlbumName/PhotoName.jpg

This way the URL will use the Usersname and would fix the issue of the CSS loading all over ES as long as I have a hidden menu. Now if you have another way that I could load the custom CSS just on the front page that would be great but the only way that I know how is to do is through the menu item with Page Class.

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