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Stream Translation Apps

James · ·
12:57 AM Saturday, 12 September 2015
I had submit these to Mark at the time EasySocial 1.2 was released and discussed them being add to 1.3 which seemed promising. We have since discussed it again and thought they would see their home in 1.4 but that doesn't appear to be the case. I have invest the time and money to at least establish the foundation but they need attention. Please consider adding them as a core feature in EasySocial and I would encourage adding integration with Google Translate API.

I would also recommend adding a 3rd for Events.


Also available for review here: http://stackideas.com/issues/easysocial/170

This is freeware for the community. I can not guarantee it will work with your installation of EasySocial as it has not been test with later versions of 1.3 or 1.4. Any future development or improvements should be shared with the community. I am not responsible for how it may affect your site. Please create a backup before you install. Hope it helps some folks.

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