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Sign in with Facebook

Dalia Jas · ·
5:08 AM Monday, 11 November 2013
A few questions regarding Easysocial login with Facebook.

1) When user tries to register, facebook asks:
Site will receive the following info: your public profile, friends list, email, news, birthday, work history, status updates, hometown, hobbies, town, photos, website and personal description.

Where are the settings that indicate appearing here all these fields? Is it in easysocial, or in my facebook developer page or maybe it's not possible to configure at all?? I thing that allowing to access so much personal information would frighten potential user and he will not sign in at all!

2) As user tried to login, none of information from facebook was imported into profile (gender, town). Is it planned in the future?

3) Is it possible to do that regular sign in user would require email activation, but sign in with facebook would not need email activation, as facebook account would be like guarantee that its not fake user or robot. I would really love that feature as it seems very useful and logical for me.

4) In admin backend Facebook Integrations settings I chose option "Import Profile Picture", and when user tried to login he was asked if profile picture or cover should be imported, user has chosen "NO", but profile picture was still imported. So is it possible to let the user to decide whether to import picture or not?

Thank you.
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