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Request adding "Email" results to "Users" tab search results

Dale Hardy · ·
1:52 AM Saturday, 18 November 2017
I see in "Users" that when I do a search for "amy" it gives search results from Joomla email addresses.

But I noticed you do not have :emails" as part of the grid. So in the pic you can see that most of the Username and Name does not show "Amy", if you click into them it has "amy" in the email address. So your search is already picking up the "email" as part of its search results.

Can you please ad "email" results too in the list?

Most customers give their email address to search for subscriptions. Many do not know their "User ID". So this would help search for customers accounts.

Let me know when this could be done soon or if we could pay you so we could speed up the time line.

Or maybe you can provide the code and I can insert it into the administrator/components/com_payplans/templates/default/user default_grid.php file?

I appreciate the help.
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