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Region database

Torgrim Sandvoll · ·
5:23 PM Friday, 24 October 2014

I initialised the region database with countries and states.
Then I deleted most of the countries (only needs countries in the Nordics) and added a new country which I named "Other".

For some reason this "Other" country got all the states for the remaining countries.
Eg. If I view states of Sweden I get a list of all the states in Sweden, but if I view states in Other I get a list with all the states of Sweden, Norway, Finlant, Denmak, etc.

As I reckon State is a required field in the registration process, I can not have the states list of "Other" to be empty, so I added a new state to "Other" named "NA".

I deleted all the other states in "Other".

But then the states got deleted from all my other countries too???

Whats happening? This must clearly be a bug?
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