Forgive me for posting this here, but I'd like to hear what people in the forum think about this feature. In Voices, it was accepted for v4.0, I personally think that is too way down the line. I'm just afraid to launch ES on the site I'm working on without this feature. I already know one person in our congregation that will definitely be ANNOYING! without the ability to block or ban a person, how else can we control members without annoying other members? If ACL is so much granular to a User level, then this feature is no longer necessary but ACLs are in Profiles so can't turn off one feature that applies to all because of one person.
Some of you might be thinking why don't I just delete the Users that are annoying, well I cannot

I wish I can but in our case I cannot so a user's choice of Blocking an annoying person is something to be the choice of a member and out of my control as a Site Admin. Well, delete is something like a last resort for my situation, like a person uploads or share contents that are not acceptable by our community then it is a big reason to delete.
What do you guys think? Should this feature be added soon? Like in v1.3?