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[Quote Request] Custom User Fields

David Montoya · ·
7:02 AM Saturday, 01 August 2015
I have a handful of custom user fields I'd like to request. I can provide a design doc if SI would be interested in developing on this, but simply it's a series of fields where the user inputs a username or profile URL of a specific website and it outputs a formatted URL. For example, I'd like a field to link to a user's DeviantArt page, so they would input the username "hiyoto". The URL would provide the link "http://hiyoto.deviantart.com/" and the URL could either be formatted as the URL itself, the username, a custom string, or an image. There are several fields for this kind of thing I'd like to have, and some may require API calls. Here's a short (but growing) list of usernames-to-urls:


I have some rough experience creating something like this but not as an ES plugin; if instead of creating all of these fields I could get a rough template to modify with at least one done with and one done without an API call, I could work with that too. That would save me money and you time. *laughs*
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