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Hi folks,

I use Easyblog (on an older version), and KUNENA for forums. I'm considering renewing/upgraging Easyblog and replacing Kunena with Easydiscuss.
I have some Q's which I can;t seem to answer by searching.

(1) Easydiscuss has a Kunena import feature , right ? Will it bring over images in the Kunena posts ?
(2) Sharing Profiles between Stackideas extensions: Easydiscuss and Easyblog (and even Easydsocial) all seem to have different profiles.... can they share the same profile , and if so .. which one takes precedence?
(3) Sharing Email subscriptions/Notifications between Stackideas extensions: The Easydiscuss subscription seems flexible (immediate/daily /weekly etc.). I seem to recall a conversation about this being made possible in Easyblog as well, but cant find it now - has this happened ? Do Easyblog/Easydiscuss share the same email subscription if installed on the same site ? Or will users get separate emails from each of the extensions ? If they are not fully integrated, do Easyblog and Easysocial have the same level of immediate/daily/weekly etc. subscriptions.
(4) Automatically "subscribing" users to a particular category? I see from the backend Demo that you can see what users are subscribed, but I cant see if it's possilbe to forcible subscribe a user to a category... ie. do it for them. I have some users who complain they dont get emails (from Kunena), but yet dont click the subscribe button ! Any auto-registration facility, and if so... does this work/is available across all the stackideas extensions, if not all .. which ones will work together?
(5) Better use of vertical space One of the problems I find with Easydiscuss (whenever I check in on the latest Demo's) is that is takes up *soooo* much space for each post, when a one-liner (like a traditional forum) is much more frugal with space. I can't seem to find a template that displays Easydiscuss posts with less white space used - a few posts fill a screen, whereas you can see dozens on a Kunena screen. Any ideas, any settings that will compact it a bit ?
(6) Reply by email I think I recall reading that Easydiscuss can handle replies by email & take them as comments (presumably this works only with immediate digests, if you reply to a daily digest which one would you be responding to ?). Anyway, I;m wondering is this feature supported across all stackideas products now, or is it different on the different products. ? If so , which ones support it ?

Questions out of the way, I also have some suggestions...it would be great if you had better integration between the StackIdeas components, and make new extensions while doing it.

(1) You could develop the email notification system as a *separate* extension, and had Easydiscuss, Easyblog and Easysocial all integrate with it (think Techjoomla J!MailAlerts)

(2) Why are there so many ways of users talking/discussing across the different Stackideas offerings.... Easyblog (comments), Easydiscuss (discussions), Komento comments), and Easysocial. All of these extensions include capability for users to "post" information, and all seem to re-invent the wheel. Couldn't the Easydiscuss engine be used under the covers in Komento (or vice versa), and also in Easysocial ? This would focus your efforts in one place, benefiting all extensions. It should be possible to post text/photos/videos/weblinks in or in response to an Easyblog Comment, a Komento comment, an Easydiscuss reply, or an Easysocial "status update" or whatever it is.... all using the same consistent interface & underlying code.

(3) Why not integrate the menu bars for all the StackIdeas components ? It seems like a site with all three Easyblog/Easydiscuss/Easysocial would look like three different sub-sites with the three different components

(4) why not a single, shared Profile across all extensions ? One profile (avatar etc) across them all. Each could integrate with the "profile" extension, pulling the common data from it and providing their own plugins to capture & share extra data. This could be a popular extension that might gain third party support if done properly. Many rely on Jomsocial etc. just for the profile & wall info.

(5) Split up Easysocial... I've stopped using Jomsocial , it was nice, but there are better Photo modules than Jomsocial's one, there are better Events modules than Jomsocials one, the Groups functionality is lacking ... the invidual implementations let it down. If you made these "pluggable" in Easysocial, then third party vendors could compete to provide "plugins" for the various elements - creating a kind of ecosystem for a social site.

Sorry for the long post ... if you can answer the Q's up top I'll be happy, the rest is just we ranting/wishfull thinking !

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