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Problem with JomSocial migrator

Cheryl Viirand · ·
1:46 AM Saturday, 11 July 2015

I am having trouble migrating my existing JomSocial users (~1100) over to EasySocial, using your JomSocial migrator / latest version of EasySocial.

I see that the EasySocial installation process already imported a "vanilla" (presumably, Joomla user) version of my users. Using the "Jomsocial migrator", I am able to see all of my (many) JomSocial custom fields in the migrator and select the various 'field types'. However, when I click "start migration", I get the 'result' page as in your tutorial but it doesn't seem to do anything (I see a blank "results" bar but with no indication of progress at all - see screenshot). I've tried a few times and always the same result. I've even tried waiting patiently but still no indication of progress. Ideas?

A couple of points that might be relevant here:
- I'm on Joomla! 2.5 (as per your forum posts, my plan is to migrate to ES, then update to 3.x)
- I have about 500 EasyBlog and 500 K2 items associated with my users - not sure if that could be slowing down / complicating the migration
- I'm migrating from JomSocial to EasySocial 1.3.28 -- does the migrator work between these versions?
- my host had updated my PHP version to 5.5.31-30.3-log; I noticed that your recommended PHP version is 5.0.4. Might this be the source of the problem?

Thanks for your help!
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