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It would be nice to be able to define Premium Custom Fields on EasySocial, in fonction of PayPlans souscription.

And for example :
- allow a Page Owner to set his website url, only if his subscription includes this Premium Custom Field
- the field of the Phone could be a Premium Custom Field
- the field of the City could be a Premium Custom Field
- a Dropdown Field could be a Premium Custom Field
- a Textarea Field could be a Premium Custom Field

This would be set in the Conditional Rules Tab (of each Custom Fields in Workflows), to define which Plans PayPlans allows the Field or not.

Moreover, in association with a future Custom Field Search Module for EasySocial, this could allow us to monetize the display of a Page in Customs Listings. https://stackideas.com/forums/custom-field-search-module-for-easysocial

Only Pages whose Premium City Custom Field is "Paris", will be displayed in the listing.
Other Pages that have not been authorized to fill the City Field (or because the PayPlans subscription has expired), will not be displayed in this custom listing.

It could be a great tool to monetize our sites in a very targeted way.
This would be a great alternative to banner advertising tools, and would bring a very interesting use of PayPlans.

Thank you
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