Looking at upgrading to PP 4.0. I have a concern about support for Strong Customer Authentication - which comes into effect september 2019 for all European customers. I am using Stripe and Paypal as payment gateways.
I have searched the forum and only found this thread:
In that thread, Mark says that SCA is done by the payment gateway, which is correct. When using Paypal, there's no problem because we already go to paypal.com to perform payment so they can handle the 3D secure or equivalent.
But for Stripe, the payment is done on our website: user provides card details and Payplans makes an API request to Stripe to validate payment. So there cannot be a redirect to 3D secure and SCA, at least not with our current version of Payplans, 3.7.
So questions are:
- does Payplans 4.x Stripe gateway already supports 3D Secure?
- if not, when do you plan on providing support? no European customer can buy something with Payplans if 3D Secure is not supported.
Note that your Strip plugin documentation does not provide any information on this.
Looking forward to an accurate reply.
Best regards