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Posting Option changed! And look like ugly!!

Jibon Chowdhury · ·
7:24 PM Sunday, 28 September 2014
As the snapshot give you a look, you will understand, whats the wrong. I am testing before start my site. My deadline are coming to the end.... But before that, need help. Why this happen? I test 2 times, to oversure why happening. When I tried to change fonts size from this post, I got attack by this. M code was
@import "/components/com_easysocial/themes/wireframe/styles/base.min.css";
@import "/components/com_easysocial/themes/wireframe/styles/style.min.css";
@import "/components/com_easysocial/themes/wireframe/styles/more.min.css";

body div#fd.es .es-stream-content{

It is changed the font size, but occurred the problem. Hope, any one help or suggest me how to overcome this situation. I need many code to change many things. But if I attack by error, how should I go forward? Is not this open source? Why so much binding? Or I need another Joomla theme? Is it Wonderes theme problem? I am so much tired. Please, help.
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