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Please use proper file naming conventions for package downloads

Yaniv Froehlich / Vic Garbutt · ·
2:33 AM Friday, 13 March 2015
Hi StackIdeas,

The following is more of a recommendation and an easy fix with respect to your package downloads.

1) All EasyBlogModules - Download
This is great - allowing users to download all modules in one ZIP file.

The problem here, for reasons unknown, is that none of the packages follow the Joomla! naming convention, which includes the version number of that package.

It's therefore impossible for the user to tell if they are downloading the 'latest' package - one is left guessing.

Since it takes literally 2 seconds, per package to add the version info to the package filename, can you kindly fix this oversight?

I've had to revert to download package by package.

2) Inconsistent Package Names / Package Filenames

In some cases, the module name in your download section is inconsistent the package name.

For example

Most Rated Entries is listed on the web site, but again, for unknown reasons, the package file name is mod_topblogs_3.9.2.zip

Again a simple fix. Either change the web site to read 'Top Blogs,' or even better, change the package name to be consistent and read mod_easyblogmostatedentries_3.9.3_free.zip.

Otherwise users are left guessing as to which package file correlates to the package they are trying to install.

Please add the date that the package was published/released

Every other extension developer that I deal with provides the date of the package release in the download section.

This just good form.

On a personal note, I keep a spreadsheet of all extensions, and about once a month, I scan the releases (downloads) of my extension providers just to make sure that I have the latest packages installed for my clients - so without having the date readily available - I'm comparing the release date.

Again - not the end of the world, but it's good form to include the release date and takes 2 seconds.

This issue is compounded with failure to follow convention and include versions in the package file names for 'Download All' option - and as a client of StackIdeas with an Unlimited Membership - I find this extremely frustrating - I am happy for the Download All feature but cannot use it as I have no idea or way to verify that all the latest versions of the numerous packages have been included with download (at times, I have discovered they have not been).


I want to say that I love EasyBlog, love the support and that you folks are great!

So please don't take the above as a negative - for people who develop such wonderful and complex software, what I am setting out above is not only a simple fix, but I feel an improvement that will better reflect the professionalism of StackIdeas - but will also help your clients.

Wishing you all the best - looking forward to seeing the downloads sections cleaned up!

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