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Hi there, in my website there are 3 user profile areas: Joomla itself for the main account registration, confirmation and access levels groups. Then there is a membership extension that also has its own profile with some custom fields. Then there is EasyDiscuss which also has profile information.

For the best user experience, I think it is logical that people manage their Discussions profile in the ED5 section, but I would like it to be possible to NOT SHOW their core account information again in the ED5 area but ONLY in an account / registration area.

I am using some CSS to set "display: none" to hide this when using the Welcome module and its Edit Profile menu item.

However, can you please make this configurable in an easy way? I think a lot of users would like this.

Similarly, I cannot figure out how to ONLY show the Social Profile on this Edit Profile page, and not all of them. The plugin that is supposed to control the master configuration does not seem to apply to THIS Edit Profile page.

I only want to show and use LinkedIn and nothing else.

Anything you can do re this would be most appreciated!

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