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Photos disappear after rotated

Karen Laksamana · ·
12:53 PM Sunday, 04 December 2016
When I upload photos to an album I have several issues that I think are related.

When I rotate a photo it disappears from the view and a space the size of the photo remains taking up whitespace where the photo used to show. I then notice a 404 error in the console for the photo.

The second issue is when I upload photos they do not appear until the CRON job runs and the photos upload to Amazon S3. So when a user uploads photos the page is blank where the photos should be. Once the CRON job runs and if the user knows to refresh the page the photos will appear. The CRON is set to run every two minutes.

The last issue is hard to replicate. Occasionally when I upload a photo or photos the progress bars stay at 1% and never move. If I come back later say in 5 or 10 minutes and try again most of the time the photos will upload. Or if I refresh the page sometimes the photos will upload when I try again.
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