Hi there
it would be cool, if the user can purchase a subscription or a ticket (from a Group or Site Page) for an event.
In the PDF Bill would be then a QR Code.
For the organizer they can use an App for the Checkin. If The QR Code is scanned, it will change an status in the backend. So that the user is checked in in the event. The user would get all their tickets in the native app. So no paper needed.
We do regular events and would be realy handy to have that. Also is it a function for the user to use the website/App more often.
Also user can create their own events and so will user use the website/app more often.
In the future would be cool stuff possible.
IF user attendet earlier events, give Discount.
IF user paste coupeon give Discount.
For free tickets (for users) you can display advertising.
User can pay with Points.
User get an Achievement/Badge if checked in the event.
The organizer see his users and with their data (age, interest, home adress and something like that. Cool free marketing data.
Everything provided from stackideas.
Would even pay about 500$ each year

for the Marketing/Event System with Payplans and the native app.