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New Blog Post autofill content to aid bloggers

Evan Buzzell · ·
2:46 AM Sunday, 12 January 2014
Hi, I have done a good bit of searching with no luck.

There are some things we have on every blog post (image formatting with video link, image gallery, etc) and I would like to have a sort-of "Blank Template" that fills in the New Blog Post editor and allows them to just simply change the content to their liking. I could create a blog post, set it to unpublished, and have them copy the content in to their new post, and edit it themselves, but this is a lot to ask every time and has a lot of room for error with many different bloggers.

You can see an example of what I am talking about from this blog post I made. http://www.sbsmediahouse.com/blog/entry/snowboarding/sbs-vignette-i-nye-tahoe-2013
as you can see, there is a lot of things to be coded every time a new post is made, and doing this every day is a bit of a pain. I would like to have a set of image blanks that the bloggers can click, open up JCE, change their links and meta data, add their text, and be on their way.

Is there a way to simply fill the new blog editor with this pseudo-content?

Thank you for your help, you guys are always quick and super helpful!
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