Could EasyDiscuss(ED) not use native Joomla tags system ?
would avoid to use 2 tags systems (manage 2 lists, grrr)
would benefit from plenty of extensions using Joomla ones (search, database, nice clouds, recommand similar)
... and last but not least : the Joomla tags have dedicated pages for tags, lists, nice way of entering tags, allowing visitors to enter others or not (...) !
I guess that would be an easy coding for guys of StackIdeas & use part of Joomla tags code for forms & others.
For compatibility with ED sites already installed there could be a switch (use ED tags instead of Joomla: YES/NO) or other method (you decide

Note: I appreciated that ED may had tags implemented before Joomla implemented them, and that now it may be a bit-annoying to adapt to the-one-who-came-after ... but that's life, and we are all pleased of Joomla evolving, no ?
Anyway, this is for sure the futur of all Joomla-good-integrated extensions...