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Multiple Emails from Blog

David Weisbrod · ·
12:10 AM Sunday, 20 April 2014
I have a blog that I've set up, and some of the members on the users list are getting multiple emails when Easyblog notifies them of a blog post. The emails all come from the admin email user, but it's completely random who gets the multiple emails. Some days it's one person, on other days it's another. Sometimes it's 3 emails, and some people have even complained about getting 5!

I did a search, and saw that this question - or a similar one - had already been asked, but I can't see the answer because your forums say that I don't have a current subscription, but we just paid for another one last month.

FYI - I'm running EasyBlog 3.9.15370 and Joomla 2.5.19


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