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i am using easysocial since few month and i am satisfied and impressed by the fast improvement of your component. My website was previously using community builder and i wan now to migrate the 5000 users without erasing the new users or previous users that have manually migrate...

I have run the migrator on a test site and have some questions

for better understanding lets say that i have 3 sort of users
A : users that had an account before in CB and didn't connect last month
B : users that had an account before in CB and who have manually upgrade their easysocial profile last month
C : new users that have directly created their profile in easysocial

1 / a new profile is created (called community builder) and data are migrated from CB for old users (A) and also for the users B
Is there a way not to upgrade the previously manually upgraded fields for the users B (ex user have change their profile photo) ?

2 / i have recently created some custom fields in easysocial user profile (called particuliers) and they are not transfer for users B & C in the community builder profile during migration process

3 / after the migration process i have 2 profiles one with the migrated users A & B (called community builder) and one with the remaining users C (profile called particuliers) ... i can't leave the things like that...
is there a way to have all users in one profile ? or to manually assign fields from one profile to the other ?
I have tried to found something by sql but didn't achieve...

Hope you can help me
really would like to have again my all users data usable

thanks in advance

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