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Brandon Millard wrote:

I work as an SEO consultant for a reputable SEO agency. Nofollowing your pagination links in a blog is really not a good idea. This breaks the chain of link juice following to subsequent pages of your blog full of important blog posts. Really you shouldnt nofollow any internal pages except in rare cases (you want to keep Google out, its a thin page without any navigation, its your search or login page)

Pagination on easyblog could be improved by
Introducing rel="next" and rel="prev" to content all pages in the pagination

Additionally the meta descriptions for page 2, 3,... should be at least slightly different than for the main blog URL. This could be done just by adding "- Page [x]" to the end of the meta description.

how can we achieve for Blog Pagination a different Meta Descriptions?

Title and Description for Pagination Pages 2. 3,..should be different from main Blog Url!
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