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Managing invoices for subscriptions with offline payment

Marius Lead · ·
10:59 PM Wednesday, 11 July 2018
Hi team,

we have the following case that we have a subscription with quarterly renewing terms that is paid via offline payment by the customer.

Now the following problem exist for us:

- When users signup for a plan using offline payment, their subscription is only activated once the admin sets the invoice on paid or sets the subscription on activated (which also marks the invoice as paid).
- However, we want thought that the subscription is active for the user from the moment the user signs up for a plan. Regardless if the user paid the invoice yet or not. So currently, the user signs up and the subscription only starts running once an admin sets the subscription to active or the invoice to paid.
- As we need the subscription to run from the first day, currently an admin sets the subscription to active manually directly after the user signed up. unfortunately, now the invoice in the system is also marked as paid, although this is not true.

My goal is that I can set an subscription to active, without it setting the invoice to paid. So i can mark it paid, when it is really paid.
My second goal is that this holds true also for the renewal of the subscription. Meaning a subscription should autorenew and create a new unpaid invoice that i can then mark paid. Without interruptions in the subscription.

Are those 2 things possible in some way or do I need to custom build it?

Best regards
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