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Load user albums URL

Adam O. · ·
6:09 AM Thursday, 08 October 2015
Hi there,

I've got a question about url to actually viewed user albums view.
In default.header.php is a piece of code:

<a href="/<?php echo FRoute::videos(array('uid' => $user->getAlias(), 'type' => SOCIAL_TYPE_USER));?>">
<i class="fa fa-film"></i>
<?php echo JText::sprintf(ES::string()->computeNoun('COM_EASYSOCIAL_GROUPS_VIDEOS' , $user->getTotalVideos()), $user->getTotalVideos()); ?>

which shows amount of movies in user library and after click, it load actually viewed user movie list.

I need the same, but related with albums. I've tried to make something like this:

<a href="/<?php echo FRoute::photos(array('uid' => $user->getAlias(), 'type' => SOCIAL_TYPE_USER));?>">
<i class="fa fa-photo"></i>
<?php echo JText::sprintf(ES::string()->computeNoun('COM_EASYSOCIAL_GROUPS_PHOTOS' , $user->getTotalPhotos()), $user->getTotalPhotos()); ?>

but it generates me incorrect sef url (when I disable SEF on page, it works).

Please... help me with this small issue - how to achieve the same "button" like above Videos, but related to Photos? :)

Best regards!
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