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List of 3rd Party Extension Components, and Templates currently integrated with EasySocial, or planned, or in testing.

This is a discussion area and RoadMap Listing of Existing, In Development, or Planned 3rd Party Extension Components and Templates for EasySocial.

PLEASE ADD TO THE LIST or LET 3rd PARTY DEVELOPERS KNOW where they can find the EasySocial Developer Documentation.
If you want your favorite Joomla Extension to work with EasySocial, then let your contacts know that EasySocial Developer and Administrator documentation exists in the following location:

DEVELOPER DOCS for EASYSOCIAL: http://docs.stackideas.com/developers
ADMINISTRATOR DOCS for EASYSOCIAL: http://docs.stackideas.com/administrators

To encourage 3rd Party Developers to Integrate with EasySocial reference this link here:
List of 3rd Party Components Integrated with EasySocial: http://stackideas.com/forums/list-of-3rd-party-components-integrated-with-easysocial

NOTE! If you are a 3rd Party Extension Developer and you want to know how quickly you can Integrate your Extension with EasySocial, just take a look at this growing list of Joomla Extension Developers that Integrated their extensions with EasySocial. The first 4 extensions were integrated in less than 2 weeks. Is their a demand for your Extension to Integrate with EasySocial? Just look at this list and find out. The list of sites integrating EasySocial as their default social networking hub of choice is fast growing, and there is growing demand for extension integration.

3RD PARTY EXTENSION INTEGRATION LIST - Started on November 1, 2013
If you add an Item to this list, or need to change an item you added earlier, please use this format:
COMPLETED: The Integration is Completed PLANNED: The Integration is Planned IN PROGRESS: The Integration is in Progress TESTING: The Integration is in testing.

1. JReviews 2.4.12 with EasySocial Integration - Developer: CLICKFWD
COMPLETED October 29, 2013 [b]Version: JReviews 2.4.11 and 2.4.12[/b]
Release Date: October 29, 2013 - This integration took less than 10 days to complete.
* JReviews Integration with StackIdeas' EasySocial extension. Alejandro and the team at ClickFWD created four five EasySocial Apps. MyListings, MyReviews, MyFavorites, JReviews (to parse the activity stream) and ReviewMe (to add the review system to profiles via the Everywhere Add-on). They have also created a point rules file for the most common activities. For more information read the EasySocial Integration article in the documentation.

Link: http://docs.reviewsforjoomla.com/?title=EasySocial_integration

2. Invitex v2.8.2 which adds support for Stack Ideas's brand new Easysocial. - TECHJOOMLA
- October 26, 2013 In less than 10 days Version: Invitex 2.8.2[/b]
Release Date: October 27, 2013 - This integration took less than 10 days to complete.
Besides adding tight Easysocial integration we also have a improved Payplans integration. Plus bugs reported in the earlier releases are fixed as well!
Wondering how you can increase & grow the membership of you your Easysocial network? Invitex is the most comprehensive Invitations system with OAuth API Support for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,Yahoo, Gmail, Live Mail & great features like automated invitations, intelligent invites, rich invites content, tracking, points integration & much much more !

Read More on Invitex and Easysocial... http://techjoomla.com/joomla-extension-news/invitex-282-is-out-with-easysocial-integration.html

[b]3. Quick2cart v2.0.2 is out with Easysocial Integration! - Developer: TechJoomla
COMPLETED October 27, 2013 In less than 10 days Version: Quick2Cart v2.0.2
Release Date: October 27, 2013 - This integration took less than 10 days to complete.
TechJoomla recently announced the release of Quick2cart v2.0.2 which adds support for Stack Ideas's brand new Easysocial.
With Quick2Cart, you can easily turn your Social Network into a full out Social Ecommerce system ! Each user can create one or more stores, add their own products & you as an admin can earn a nice fee per transaction !
Features added
- Activity stream intergration with Easysocial when store owner adds a product
- Activity stream intergration with Easysocial when user buys a product
- Activity stream intergration with Easysocial when a user creates a store
- Support Easysocial to display list of latest stores on the profile page of a Store owner
- Support Easysocual to display list of latest products on the profile page of a Store owner
- Add Config option to Enable / Disable "https" for checkout page.
- Add Config option to allow guest checkout only and bypass registration process
- Facility to ON / OFF editor for product description on "Add Product" page
- Make extension compatible with PHP < 5.3

Release Link: http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f4f9b3e4c1051d231365640c1&id=b648335431&e=9c1e791a7d
News: http://techjoomla.com/joomla-extension-news/quick2cart-v202-is-out-with-easysocial-integration.html

ADD an EXTENSION that you know about that has or is in any stage of integration with EasySocial. ADD to the list below.
EasySocial is fast becoming the default social networking hub of choice and the list of supporting 3rd Party Developers is fast growing, and there is growing demand for extension integration.

3RD PARTY EXTENSION INTEGRATION LIST - Started on November 1, 2013
If you add an Item to this list, or need to change an item you added earlier, please use this format:
COMPLETED: The Integration is Completed PLANNED: The Integration is Planned IN PROGRESS: The Integration is in Progress TESTING: The Integration is in testing.

Try to use this format as an example to the list the Extension and developer.
[b]3. MyFavorite Extension is out with Easysocial Integration! - Developer: MyFavorite Developer
COMPLETED November 1, 2013 Version: Joomla Extension v2.0.2
Release Date: November 1, 2013 - This integration took less than 10 days to complete.
- Add a description.
- Add brief list of features.
- Add a link to their site, forum.
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