UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.11 Released! Update to the latest version now!


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Hey guys,

I'd like to implement something like a "selfmade" magazine layout in our EasyBlog. Selfmade because it's made with modules assigned to different module positions – which leads to a multi-column design.

The idea is: Under the highlight module (which shows the newest article in the top area of the content area) I want to have three to four modules side by side showing the "newest articles besides the one very newest article which is already shown in the highlight section". So there shall be one module for highlighting the newest post, and one module with "three/four articles, ordered by publishing date, starting at the second newest article" (so the very newest article isn't shown twice).

Do you get what I mean?

What do I have to do to make that possible?
Is there another way than hardcoding it inside of the holy

Best regards from Germany
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